Thursday, February 15, 2007

It lives!

With the advent of the blog about blogging on the Guardian Unlimited sports blog, it was announced that GU contributors could submit 500-word articles for publication.

The best three would be published every Friday - allowing all those that thought they could do better to prove it.

Well, I was thinking about this, and decided that I would like to read what my former fellow GU sports blog contributors put together regardless of whether they made the grade for the GU website.

From now on they will have a home here - in Pseuds' Corner, the home of the frustrated hack.

Email submissions and I will put the ones that don't make it to the GU site online for you to read and comment on here.

On the assumption that my piece will not make it, it will probably be me kicking the site off on Friday afternoon anyway - and I'm a terrible egotist dontcha know.

Email the site at


offsideintahiti said...

I thought it was a clear penalty.


Unknown said...

You what?

offsideintahiti said...

penalty! FACT



Unknown said...

are you more drunk than me?

Anonymous said...

I might just submit something here that I certainly won't send to GU.
As far as their argument goes,
I tend to side with both olivier and ebren on this one.
Ebren - as you may have noticed, I have hit out at "grammar & spelling-nazis" on the blogs. As a teacher of languages I try to encourage students to write freely, without getting hung-up on these "trifles".
I do, however, insist on ironing out these surface issues before publication,
and therefore humbly beseech you, O Mighty Blogmaster, to use the form "Pseud's Corner" or Pseuds' Corner" on this glorious page.
This I ask, because I don't want those who are not sure to passively imbibe wrong usage.
Hope I didn't aim at goal but hit the (pseud's) corner flag on this one!

Frankie Morgan said...

Ah, another home for the disaffected. Thanks Ebren.

Despite what people think I'm not a frustrated writer so I won't be submitting anything, but I look forward to reading all your contributions. If I get miro's permission I might post some of his articles.

Unknown said...

GG - that is embarrassing. The only explanation I can offer is that I made this page late at night and got confused.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I could write something on the lines of "How to Write a Blog About Sport Blogs and Get Exactly the Answers One Wants, Settling a Few Scores in the Meantime, but Not Saying a Thing Concerning Criticism of One's Esteemed Colleagues or Oneself".
Bugger! 500 words already!

offsideintahiti said...

Me, drunk? How dare you? You invite people over to your place and then call them drunk? Where's your manners? What kind of host are you?

Anyway *sigh*, I was hoping greengrass would jump at the chance of getting into a "was/wasn't" type of argument about a fictional penalty to enliven these pages. We could have traded personal insults, slung mud, thrown logic and reason our of the window, dragged our respective ancestries into it and called each other names for the reading enjoyment of other bloggers but apparently the sad wally doesn't recognise a comedy opportunity when he sees one and is more concerned with petty issues of grammar and spelling. Desperate.

Now, I would write something but by the looks of it we have an audience of one, and it's a lonely, chronically depressed scotsman in a moth-eaten kilt, so what's the point?


Unknown said...

Ah - offside.

Your mistake was posting it at 8 in the morning UK time, when my brain was far from fighting fit.

I was going to wait until we found out who got onto the blog to post anything near the GU (to increase readership).

Although we have one failed submission already (the GU team have sent out emails asking the people they have shortlisted for their pseudonyms a gloating forwarded email has informed me) I was hoping more would come in tomorrow when the winners are unveilled...

Frankie Morgan said...

offside, I would never wear a kilt. The very idea.

offsideintahiti said...

Gentlemen (and ladies?),

I did not write that last comment. Those who have followed my posting know that I'm a balanced and sensible individual who would never resort to name-calling. And, greengrass, I would never call you a wally, I'm not even sure what it means.

My guess is that Ebren is behind all this. He has admitted to me, on another thread, being employed by GU and writing most of the comments on the Sports Blogs under a myriad different pseudonyms.

We already know he has at least three different identities (and frankly, God knows how many more that we don't know about). His blogspot site has already split like a malignant cell, and will no doubt continue to do so and multiply virally until it smothers the rest of the Internet. I think we should be very worried.

Obviously, Andrew did not write his last comment either, why would he deny it when we all know he wears a kilt every day?

Ebren, shame on you, you should apologise immediately to Andrew's kilt. Or his moths, whichever is more offended.

Moderate me, I dare you.


Frankie Morgan said...

Someone is posing as jonnyboy on the Celtic thread and making reasonable and fair comments about Scotland.

No-one is who they say they are anymore.

You all knew miro was my creation all along - whoever "I" am.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see, I got it wrong from the word go: Andy is the not the MODFATHER, he's the MOTHFATHER...
So - let's assume that that nice man Sean did his homework before launching the MOAB - not just totting up the blog logs and informing posters of the existence of Ebren's MOABist nest of mischief, but actually visiting it; is he still with us? Will, then, the MOTHFATHER engulf him in a plague of moths, like unto the plague of locusts in the Good Book, or will the MOTHFATHER march at the head of a trusty band o' mothballed Wee Frees tae the skirrrl o' the pipes, on heather tracks wi' heaven in their wiles, and conquer the GU
On a completely different link, dear Moabistas, have you all read "Puckoon"?

Unknown said...

Ah, GG, it is my enduring ambition to get Mr Seani to post here.

He would be welcome.

I have read only chapters of Puckoon. Never buying it but catching it in snatches in Milligoon compilations.

And don't worry, when the web is my own personal plaything you shall all have seats at my right hand.

Anonymous said...

Ah, ebren -
life ahead looks hectic for you, inventing new virtual identities by the minute - by the post! - as St. Barry Glendenning bans each new one.
Who would have thought that publishing the losers (PC-speak: "almost winners"), the sad and sorry inhabitants of crowded GU waste-paper-basket tenements, could so rile our masters?
Should they not instead see this blog as a compliment (do I mean "complement"?)?
You really are a mischievous scallywag - not at all like that nice fellow 4tt...

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